A Summary of the most Relevant Taxes in:

The Europe, Middle East & Africa Region, Asia Pacific and Latin America Region.

Tax Cards Publications

It is certainly true that tax can be complicated. But it’s even more complicated across international borders – each tax jurisdiction having its own set of rules, regulations and rates. AGN international tax publications provide an accessible reference tool to the current tax environment in practically every country in the world.

AGN international conducts annual surveys of corporate taxes, parent companies, self-employed, value-added (VAT), salary and social security and cinheritance taxes. These surveys have been produced for a number of years and provide interesting comparisons from year to year and from country to country and give an insight into trends. Members and clients refer to the publications as useful overview of key Tax data.

Use this publication to make a quick  country comparison on different taxes; including Income Tax, Double Tax Treaties and more.

A summary of the most relevant taxes in Europe, Middle East & Africa. Updated in July, 2023. 

A summary of the most relevant taxes in Asia Pacific. Updated in May, 2023.

A summary of the most relevant taxes in Latin America. Updated September, 2023.

Who we are?

Being part of AGN International – AGN International is a worldwide Association of 177 accounting and advisory firms and is amongst the largest of comparable organizations globally – gives Adel Habib & Co. direct access to practical business advice throughout the world; within a structure of strong trust-based relationships with dynamic reputable CPA and professional advisory firms worldwide, we can deliver support to help you turn compliance into opportunity for your corporation.

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We can deliver support to help you turn compliance into opportunity for your corporation. Would you like to chat with one of our tax & legal professionals to learn more?